• Startdatum:
  • 24 juni 2024
  • Cursusduur:
  • 5 dagen
  • Rechtsgebied:
  • Bestuurs(proces)recht, Privacy en ICT recht
  • Soort:
  • Congres

(This is the registration page for online attendance! In case you would like to join the summer school in Leiden, please register via the following link)

About the Summer school
We are delighted to announce the launch of the eLaw Summer School, titled "Regulating AI and Data in the Age of EU Digital Reforms," scheduled to take place from Monday, June 24, to Friday, June 28, 2024, at Leiden University.

Program Topics:

The eLaw Summer School will cover a range of critical topics at the forefront of EU digital reforms, including:

  • An indepth look at the GDPR eight years after its approval, exploring the many silent reforms that have taken place, in connection with DMA, DGA, DSA, DA, AIA.
  • Comprehensive analysis of the AI Act, discussing its details, rules, opportunities, and challenges, both in the commercial field and in criminal law and the law enforcement sector.
  • Examination of the interaction between AI regulation, the Data Protection framework, and privacy caselaw.
  • Overview of platform regulation across different EU rules, from the Digital Services Act (DSA) to the consumer protection acquis.
  • Discussion on Fundamental Rights Impact Assessment in the context of different legislations (GDPR, AI Act, DSA) and digital vulnerability.

Duration and Structure:

The program spans five days from Monday June 24 to Friday, June 28, filled with insightful sessions each morning and engaging workshop activities in the afternoon.

Each day will feature two eminent speakers in the morning, hailing from academia, institutions, and businesses, offering a rich diversity of perspectives on the topics at hand. The afternoons will be dedicated to hands-on workshop activities, allowing participants to apply their knowledge in practical scenarios and engage in meaningful discussions.

The course is exclusive to 45 participants, with 15 slots available for online attendees, ensuring an intimate and focused learning environment.

Programme Director:

  • Dr. Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor of Law & Technology, Leiden University; Codirector of the Brussels Privacy Hub


  • Prof. Dr. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Professor of Law, Radboud University
  • Brendan van Alsenoy, European Data Protection Supervisor
  • Prof. Dr. Ignacio Cofone, Associate Prof of Law, McGill University
  • AnneJel Hoelen, Dutch Authority Consumers & Market
  • Dr. Gavin Robinson, Assistant Professor of Law, Leiden University
  • Prof. Dr. Gera van Duijvenvoorde, Professor of Law, Leiden University
  • Prof. Dr. Bart Custers, Professor of Law, Leiden University
  • Prof. Dr. Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor of Law, Leiden University
  • Dr. Rob van Eijk, Managing Director for Europe of the Future of Privacy Forum
  • Dr. Francien Dechesne, Associate Professor at eLaw, Leiden University
  • DG Connect, European Commission, TBC
  • Marc van der Ham, National Office of the Dutch National Prosecution Service
  • Julia Straatman, Utrecht University
  • Isabela Barbera, RITHE
  • Sven Stevenson, Director of the Department for the Coordination of Algorithmic Oversight (DCA) of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP)

Target audience
This program is tailored for individuals with a solid foundation in law and digital technologies seeking to deepen their understanding of the current and emerging regulatory frameworks in the EU. It is an excellent opportunity for professionals looking to stay at the forefront of digital law and policy.

Specialization level: usually more than 3 years of practical experience in the relevant field; a high level of knowledge of the relevant field is present for participation.

Remote attendance      
A livestream for this summer school will be arranged. In case you are not able to join the summer school in person, you will be able to watch and ask your questions to the speakers during the summer school online.

LLA will send you the livestream link for this summer school in an e-mail 2 working days before the start of the summer school.


Registration for the summer school remains open until May 9th, 2024. Until this deadline, the summer school may be subject to cancellation if there are insufficient applications.

Do you have any questions?
We will gladly answer them.

E-mail: pao@law.leidenuniv.nl
Phone: +31 (0)71 527 8666
All contact details


Summer school day 1: Data Protection 8 years after the GDPR approval
Monday 24 June 2024


Registration, coffee & tea

Introduction by Dr. Gianclaudio Malgieri,

Leiden University (Programme Director)

10:00 Session 1 – The GDPR and the “by design”
challenge after 6 years

Dr. Rob van Eijk, Future of Privacy Forum
11:15 Break
11:45 Session 2The GDPR in an age of silent
and vocal reforms

Brendan van Alsenoy, EDPS
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Session 3“The Privacy fallacy – Harm
and Power in the Information Economy” (book presentation)

Dr. Ignacio Cofone, McGill University, Toronto, Canada
16:00 End of Day 1

Summer school day 2: Beyond data, the challenge of AI regulation(s)
Tuesday 25 June 2024

09:45 Session 1From the GDPR to the
AI Act: the role of DPAs

Sven Stevenson, Director of the Department for the Coordination of Algorithmic Oversight (DCA) of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP)
11:00 Break
11:30 Session 2The AI Act and the challenges to Fundamental Rights
Prof. Dr. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Radboud University
12:45 Lunch
14:30 Workshop – The road to compliant & trustworthy & “ethical” AI systems
Isabel Barbera, RHITE and Maria Rebrean, ALLAI
16:30 End of Day 2

Summer school day 3: The AI Act and the troubles of law enforcement and criminal investigations
Wednesday 26 June 2024

09:45 Session 1 AI and criminal law
Prof. Dr. Bart Custers, Leiden University
11:00 Break
11:30 Session 2The AI Act and the data protection acquis: lights and shadows
Dr. Gavin Robinson, Leiden University
12:45 Lunch

Workshop – How to protect fundamental rights in criminal (digital) investigations

Marc van der Ham, National Office of the Dutch Public Prosecution Service

16:00 End of Day 3

Summer school day 4: AI and impact assessments
Thursday 27 June 2024

09:45 Session 1 – Technology perspectives on the AI Act
Francien Dechesne, Leiden University
11:00 Break
11:30 Session 2Fundamental Rights Impact Assessment in the AIA and beyond: addressing human vulnerabilities
Dr. Gianclaudio Malgieri, Leiden University
12:45 Lunch
14:30 Workshop – The AI Fundamental Rights Impact Assessment
Julia Straatman, Utrecht University
16:00 End of Day 4

Summer school day 5: Regulating data and AI in the platform economy
Friday 28 June 2024

09:45 Session 1 – Consumer Protection in the Digital Age
Anne-Jel Hoelen, Dutch Autority Consumers and Market
11:00 Break
11:30 Session 2 – Regulating the Digital Markets (the DMA and beyond)
Prof. Dr. Gera van Duijvenvoorde
12:45 Lunch
14:30 Session 3 – Social media and the impossible challenge
Lex Zard, Leiden University
16:00 End of Summer School


The participant fee is €1500,- 

The early bird fee is €1300,-  and is valid until the 5th of April 2024

The students fee is €900,- 

The fee includes lunches, social activities and digital summer school materials.

Master's students and PhD students are eligible to apply for a limited amount of registration fee reductions. To apply for a reduction,  students should motivate why they should receive the discount, and add proof of their status as a student.