• Startdatum:
  • 22 juni 2023
  • Cursusduur:
  • 2 dagen
  • Rechtsgebied:
  • Criminologie, Straf(proces)recht
  • Soort:
  • Congres
  • Accreditaties
  • NOVA:
  • 10


About the conference     

Leiden University organizes a two-day conference titled Criminalisation and its Limits: Revisiting Public Goods and Legal Interests in Domestic and Transnational Criminal Law, offering a venue for criminal law scholars and practitioners to exchange thoughts, ideas and experiences on these subject matters.

The aim of the conference is to clarify the meaning and definition of public goods and legal interests (Rechtsgüter) in criminal law, and explore the connections between these two concepts, and – among other issues – their relationship to the theory of harm (e.g. Mill, Feinberg). Although both concepts stem from the premise that society should consider protecting certain goods or interests by means of criminal law, they seem to differ in whether these goods should be of an individual or collective nature. Given their pivotal role in imposing  specific normative perspectives on criminal law, it is necessary to improve our understanding of the contemporary meaning of public goods and legal interests, in order to critically analyze and circumscribe the proper scope of criminal law.

The theme of the conference will be scrutinized from three angles – national criminal law, EU criminal law, and international criminal law –  and it will be examined from a general perspective as well as in relation to specific areas of crime, and alternately in plenary sessions and in parallel discussion groups.

The organizing committee

  • Prof. Jannemieke Ouwerkerk (Leiden University)
  • Prof. Jeroen ten Voorde (Leiden University)
  • Konstantinos Zoumpoulakis (Leiden University)
  • Prof. Jacob Öberg (University of Southern Denmark)

Target audience
Legal scholars and practitioners.

Remote attendance
Unfortunately, remote attendance is not available for this conference.

The conference is funded by the Leiden University Fund (LUF), the Department of Criminal Law of Leiden Law School and Brill Publishers.

Do you have any questions?
We will gladly answer them.

E-mail: pao@law.leidenuniv.nl
Phone: +3171 527 8666
You can find more contact details here

Conference day 1 
Thursday 22 June 2023

09:00 Registration
09:30 Welcome and Opening of the Conference
09:45 Keynote speech
Prof. Nina Peršak 
Scientific Director, Institute for Criminal-Law Ethics and Criminology (Ljubljana);
Full Professor of Law, University of Maribor
10:30 Coffee break
11.00 Session I: Legal interests and public goods in contemporary domestic criminal law
  • Prof. Martin Böse
    (University of Bonn)
  • Dr. Miguel Joao Costa
    (University of Coimbra)
  • Prof. Catherine van de Heyning
    (University of Antwerp)

prof. Jannemieke Ouwerkerk
(Leiden University)

12:30 Lunch break (KOG Restaurant)
14:00 Session II: Legal interests and public goods in EU and international criminal law
  • Prof. Jannemieke Ouwerkerk
    (Leiden University)
  • Prof. Jacob Öberg
    (University of Southern Denmark)
  • Dr. Sergey Vasiliev
    (University of Amsterdam)
  • Konstantinos Zoumpoulakis
    (Leiden University)

prof. Jeroen ten Voorde
(Leiden University)

15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Roundtable: Democracy, rule of law and the role of criminal law 
  • Prof. Jeroen ten Voorde
    (Leiden University)
  • Dr. Stephen Coutts
    (University College Cork)
  • Prof. Ester Herlin-Karnel
    (University of Gothenborg)

prof. Jacob Öberg
(University of Southern Denmark)

17:30 End of conference day 1 / Drink Reception
19:30 Conference Dinner (Restaurant Wielinga)

Conference day 2 
Friday 23 June 2023

09:30 Coffee and welcome

Session III: Legal interests and public goods in national and transnational law-making: Practitioner's views

  • Songül Mutluer,
    (Member of the House of Respresentatives of the Netherlands, Labour Party)
  • Anže Erbežnik
    (European Parliament, Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) [tbc]

Moderator: prof. Jannemieke Ouwerkerk (Leiden University)

10:45 Coffee break / Dividing participants into discussion groups

Parallel discussion groups - Round I

  1. Ecocide
    Introductions by prof. Helmut Satzger (University of Munich) and Merle Kooijman (University of Amsterdam)
    Moderator: prof. Jannemieke Ouwerkerk (Leiden University)
  2. Sexual offences
    Introductions by dr. Linnea Wegerstad (Lund University) and dr. Marthe Goudsmit Samaritter (University of Oxford)
    Moderator: prof. Jeroen ten Voorde (Leiden University)
  3. Drug offences
    Introduction by dr. Robin Hofmann (Maastricht University)
    Moderator: prof. Jacob Öberg (University of Southern Denmark)
12:30 Lunch break (Restaurant Het Prentenkabinet)

Parallel discussion groups - Round II

  1. Money laundering
    Introduction by prof. Valsamis Mitsilegas (University of Liverpool)
    Moderator: Konstantinos Zoumpoulakis (Leiden University)
  2. Hate crimes
    Introduction by dr. Marloes van Noorloos (Leiden University)
    Moderator: dr. Linnea Wegerstad (Lund University)
  3. Corruption
    Introduction by dr. Cecily Rose (Leiden University)
    Moderator: prof. Jeroen ten Voorde (Leiden University)
15:00 Coffee break

Closing session: What's the future of the concept of legal interests in criminal law and what it means for our research agenda?
Speakers: prof. Nina Peršak, prof. Valsamis Mitsilegas, Konstantinos Zoumpoulakis
Co-moderators: prof Jannemieke Ouwerkerk & prof. Jeroen ten Voorde

16:30 End of the conference
Zoumpoulakis Juridisch PAO
K. Zoumpoulakis
M. Bose Juridisch PAO
prof. dr. M. Böse
Costa Juridisch PAO
M.J. Costa
Coutts Juridisch PAO
dr. S. Coutts
A. Erbežnik
Marthe Goudsmit Juridisch PAO
mr. dr. M.L.R. Goudsmit Samaritter
Herlin-Karnell Juridisch PAO
prof. E. Herlin-Karnell
prof. C. van de Heyning
Hoffmann Juridisch PAO
dr. R. Hofmann
Merle Kooijman Juridisch PAO
mr. M.K. Kooijman MA
Mitsilegas Juridisch PAO
prof. V. Mitsilegas
Songul Mutluer Juridisch PAO
S. Mutluer
Van Noorloos Juridisch PAO
mr. dr. L.A. van Noorloos (1)
Jacob Oberg Juridisch PAO
prof. J. Öberg
Jannemieke Ouwerkerk JPAO
prof. mr. dr. J.W. Ouwerkerk
N. Persak Juridisch PAO
prof. dr. N. Peršak
Cecily Rose Juridisch PAO
dr. C.E. Rose
Helmut Satzger Juridisch PAO
prof. dr. H. Satzger
Vasiliev Juridisch PAO
dr. S. Vasiliev
Jeroen ten Voorde Juridisch PAO
prof. mr. J.M. ten Voorde
Wegerstad Juridisch PAO
dr. L. Wegerstad
Zoumpoulakis Juridisch PAO
K. Zoumpoulakis
Kamerlingh Onnes Gebouw

Steenschuur 25, 2311 ES LEIDEN

€ 70,- (excl. VAT) regular fee
€ 20,- (excl. VAT) reduced fee for PhD candidates and students
  Fee is including coffee/tea, lunch on both days, conference materials, and drinks reception on Thursday 22 June 2023
€ 60,- Optional dinner on Thursday 22 June 2023

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